Sunday, April 26, 2020

Chera Dwip – Awaits a Magic

If you think I am exaggerating along the way then you’re one of them, who specially needs to visit this place. It’s an island not very far from Saint Martins Islands main beach. Rather than mentioning it as a separate island would be inappropriate. As it is partially attached with the main beach. Now when I say partially it means that half of the day during the low tidal wave the pathway between main beach and Chera Dwip Remains visible, but as soon as the high tidal wave hits it gets disappear. Sounds scary? Nope, actually it is beautiful in its own way. Let’s uncover the beauty together. (notes: High Tide: জোয়ার, Low Tide: ভাটা)
Chera Dwip, Saint Martin Island.

If you’re planning on going to Chera Dwip, then I’m considering you’re already in Saint Martin or might be planning to visit soon. The first thing you need to know is that you can go there by using two different modes of commutes. One is to walk 5-6 kilometers following the west beach or to rent a bi-Cycle which is the most perfect option considering circumstances. You can also take a boat from the jetty and go there which will take around 15-20 minutes. But if you’re like me, who really dives into their surroundings to get soaked up, then cycle is the best way, hell you can even walk but until you’re not up for magnificent experiences only then you can take the boat.
Cycle Renting Stores Such as this can be found on the island

Now let me be very clear, I am not saying boat is nothing to be considered of, a lot of people’s livelihoods depends on that, and I obviously respect that. Cause there will always be elderly people and people not physically adequate enough to take the walk or cycle. So, there is that. But all the magic awaits only if you take the previous options. So, let me assume you choose the first one now let’s dive in.

Keep in mind, you have to wake up really early in the morning, this way you get to enjoy the sunrise which most people miss out due to sleep. Which is a real sorrow from my point of view.
Afternoon at Chera Dwip
Also, you need to take some breakfast and get ready for the journey as its going to take up almost all the day. There were four of us, and since there are no couple, no one needed to carry someone else fortunately. They charge around 25-30tk per hour. Now if you know cycling then you should really be careful about the cycle which is best fitted for you. There are plenty of shops and cycles to choose from, so don’t rush it. You can bargain for the price but that would be mean considering their livelihood depends on it. Take the cycle for a trial ride to see if everything is alright or not.
Some Fisherman Resting on the Beach

Starting the journey from west beach is the best possible route, in this way you don’t have to carry the cycle as there would be no corals coming in the way. The corals are mainly on east side. Don’t forget to ask the locals about the routes, as they are best possible solution to your all the confusion. Which I do every often when I travel to a new place. Furthermore, don’t forget to ask them about the time schedule of Tidal Waves. Remember, this is very important. Why? You will know soon.
The Bi-cycle that accompanied me along the ride

As you approach along the way, you will start to get mix up with the green on the on side and blue on the other side. Fellow fishermen leaving for fishing can be seen if you start early in the morning. Soon you will be at point which is named Golachipa, this particular area of the beach is so narrow that you can see both side of the east and west beach from here. It will give you a 360 view of the island. The more you progress, and start leaving all the resorts and dwellers behind, you will start to notice the profanity of the island, you will start noticing farmers, and people who lives in the beach. Soon you will come to a point where the pathway is narrower and confusing. Then you are at the entry point of the Chera Dwip. There will be multiple way with water here and there and it is hard to describe in the words. This is the place which will be drowned during the high tidal waves. Once you get to Chera Dwip it will feel much more peaceful than main island and also the amount of corals are much higher in this part. Roam around, enjoy the sun, may b take some photos, but keep the time in check. Since its afternoon. You better be already back but if you’re waiting for the magic then you should only start to get back by this time.
Some people coming from the Chera Dwip
through the drowned pthway.

On your way back, the pathway you took will still be there if you managed the time properly, and while crossing, it will start to go under the water, all of a sudden you will discover yourself surrounded by water, not very deep, still you can see your feet, but you will have only 8-10minutes to cross it. And believe met this couple of minutes is worth all the hype and every other hassle you went while coming here. Its like one of those movie scenes where you walk on the water. The sand you’re standing on a while ago will be covered by water in front of your eyes while the sun is setting, and believe me no other things can get as much serene as this. You only have a couple of minutes while at it, so enjoy every droplet. You also need to keep safety in mind, so I would suggest not to get overexcited. And the other part of the connecting pathway which was visible a while ago will start vanishing in front of your eyes. Soon it will feel like you’re standing in the middle of the ocean. And that is something right. Reaching to the main beach, take a look back and you will find no visible path to Chera Dwip. All of them are drowned which was affloated a while ago. The whole experience will feel like that it happened only inside your sub-conscious mind. But only you know it happened. And you experienced something which most of the people misses out.
when the pathway was still affloat

High Tide is about to hit, captured just before that.
If you’re still standing there, then now is the time to head back. the water which was at a height of few inches will start to rise and soon be touching your knees, and things will get scary. But you’re supposed to be back on the main beach by this time, as I suggested earlier.
A Short video to give a glimpe of what i was bragging all about.

ছেড়া দ্বীপে যাওয়া আসার রাস্তা 
While I was on my journey, this is exactly what happened with me, my friends went to Chera Dwip but this was where I decided to stick around until they came back. I was taking pictures of the sunset, reflections on the ocean, as usual my basic photo taking characteristic, some people were coming back already, and suddenly I noticed the pathway is slowly getting more surrounded by water and getting narrower, I called my friend and ask them to come back, but while I waited, happened the most magically magnificent thing on the whole journey. Soon enough I realized there are water below my feet, so I started walking back with my bicycle, there are multiple turns so it gets confusing and scary but none of them goes under until few minutes. I realized the level of water is increasing and soon it covered my knees, by then I made it back to the main beach. But lots of people were still crossing the passage including my friends so I realized there were still time.

Me sticking around to enjoy the sunset
 What I wrote here is merely just an overview of the experience and cannot be described in the words and photos. There are moments like this in the life that does not occur very often, and when it does you should be ready to soak every little bit of it. Gladly I was at the right place at the right time. Guess that’s how magic happens.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Saint Martin – Lets Dive into the Blues & Get Lost

Well its been a while since my last blog, apologies for the delay. But the wait would be worth it. its none other than Saint Martin island this time. Also known as Daruchini Dwip. Which is discovered at the boarder line of Bangladesh, and going there takes a quite bit of energy so juice yourself up. Have you ever been conflicted over mountains and oceans, which attracted you more, then welcome to the squad. But no matter what it’s an amazing piece of heaven in the middle of Bay of Bengal. Note one thing, if you feel sea sick easily then you might want to reconsider this, but hey as always, no fun in easy. So, lets dive in. 

Starting Deck at Teknaf, This is the jetty from where the ship starts.
First of all you need to get to the Teknaf, the southernmost point in mainland Bangladesh. Now if you are traveling from Khulna or the southwest region of the country, then you need to go to the Dhaka first. Its like the hub city for traveling to any part of the country. From there you can choose different types of coach services ranging from 800-1600taka or more based on the coach type. It would take 9-10hours to reach Teknaf from Dhaka. That’s 20 hour journey from Khulna Already.
Reaching Teknaf awaits the main part, only commutes available to reach Saint Martin island is the Ships. There are total 5 Ships, 6 to be Specific. 5th one is for Greenline Paribahan only. The passenger of the Greenline Coach Service get to board that Specific Cruise. The other ships are KEARI SINDBAD, LCT KAJOL, FARHAN, Cruise & Dine & BAY CRUISE. Here point to be noted, Bay Cruise is the most expensive and exclusive one. You need to be very careful about booking tickets as there are lots of syndicates and Blacker present there. No matter what you do, don’t purchase tickets by collecting number from google and pay over bkash. Its not authorized and same time unofficial. Why go through the hassle if you can just simply buy tickets upon arrival from the ship’s ticket counter. There are plenty of tickets available always even if some online agency tells you there are no more tickets. You can purchase return ticket also along with it which is a ideal process.
Open Deck of M.V Farhan, One of the largest ship of the fleet
The ticket price ranges from 350 – 800taka based on main deck, lounge or open deck. If you ask for my suggestion, go for the open deck. The scenic beauty, mountains, blues, seagulls cannot be enjoyed by sitting in VIP Lounge. And hey, it’s also cheaper.
It’s a three-hour journey from Teknaf to Saint Martin’s island. And the journey is so mesmerizing that you wouldn’t even notice how time went by. Bangladesh-Myanmar border will tell you that most of the amazing hills and mountains is on the other side. But the journey is so breathtaking as nothing is more soothing than seeing mountains and oceans altogether. Yes, the sun will shine right above your head but that’s just a minimal sacrifice in order to enjoy such beauty. You will also notice Burmese Fishermen’s activities to make a living. So many little things will be there to make this ride a beautiful masterpiece.
L.C.T KAJOL, another ship of the fleet, paving its way towards the island
Enjoyed the journey? time to anchor into the coral island. If you pay attention you can see from a distance it’s a very tiny piece greens in the middle of the sea. But as soon you approach, you will realize that this is what you came here for.
See past the ship, and you will see a piece of green among the blues
Now time to make landing, note that there are around 4 to 5 thousand people or travelers getting off from the ship at the same deck at a single time. So, you should not by any means hurry it. wait for the people to get off from the ship then slowly descend from the ship. At this situation it might be seem as, Oh God why did I come here. There are so many people and it’s so noisy. But upon crossing the deck. The wind will slowly start to blow you away. You will start to feel that its magnificent, and all the other words will fail to explain the beauty of it.
St. Martin Island Jetty, Don't rush too much for getting off the ships.
Check in into a hotel that you previously booked or you can easily find one as there are plenty of hotels, resort & cottages in the island. If you go little bit further you will find some amazing resorts that are situated by the beach. Don’t forget to find a resort that directly connects with the beach area. It’s very important.
Sea-fish waiting for you 
As its already lunch time, find a hotel to eat. There are numerous sea fish available but don’t fall for it, bargain the price. Don’t just settle with the price they told. There are other food items available also but as you are on an island going for the fish might just be the best idea. They are delicious to be honest. They only cook the fishes after you order them so choose whatever fish you like most.
Take some rest or you may not, because the ocean is calling. It’s just so irresistible to ignore the call to dive into the sea. But be careful, you need to follow some precautions in order to do that. Don’t forget to check the red flags which means that particular area should be avoided. Also watch for the coral as its sharp and you could easily cut yourself.
St. Martin Island
Try to avoid islands north beach as it is the most messy and dirty area (Please don’t pollute the beach by throwing plastics and Polybags). Also the beach area you will notice first upon landing on the island. As you progress deep into the island you will find west beach and east side of the beach more peaceful and relaxing. Which is also less noisy and crowded.
West Beach, Also the Largest Collection of Corals You Can See During Low Tide.
You could just sit at the beach area and stare at the blue ocean for so long and wonder the water is actually blue here. Wait for the sun to be set, you shouldn’t miss that. After finishing the dinner, don’t miss the late-night walks at the beach. Its safe. And if its full-moon then voila. You have just got the golden ticket. Beach at the full moon is so eloquently beautiful. You better not get to sleep as this is once in a lifetime experience. Also, on our visit it was a cloudy weather. So, we got to enjoy rain and more dynamic weather while on the island. May be luck favored us with a few extra surprises.
Clouds + Corals + Greens  = Magnificent
Heading onto the next day, wake up early. The beach is only 8 square kilometers, and if you love cycling then it’s just your lucky day. There are plenty of shops from where you can rent bicycle to roam around the beach.
Bicycle Shop from Where Bicycle Can be Rented Based on Hour Basis
If you’re on the island and haven’t heard about Chera Dwip. Which is a small adjoining island separated by the high tide. You need to start cycling at very early in the morning, otherwise it would be tough to get back from there before high tide hits. Fun fact in the morning during the low tide, you cycle through or walk to the Chera Dwip, but as the day progresses when its high tide, the island is being separated. I have had the luck to experience both of the situations.
Road to Chera Dwip During Low Tide
Let me share a short story, so we were cycling across the beach, obviously we started late as we all were sleeping. So, while crossing the joint and entering into the Chera Dwip I can clearly remember the path were dried up, but in the middle of that the water started to flow in. I told myself lets visit Chera Dwip tomorrow. On my way back I got so confused about which was the actual way as half of my cycle was already below the water within a few minutes of difference, it was scary and adventurous at the same time. It got me so pumped up. But I was able to find my way back at the main beach hopefully. Whether or not, it was an interesting experience.
Adjoining point of Chera Dwip and Main Island
Chera Dwip, St. Martin Island.
If you intend to visit Chera Dwip the cycling is the best way, but considering don’t have the stamina  for that, you can walk by there if you start it early. There are also boats which can take you to the adjoining island from the jetty. Which I don’t consider the best option. But that’s another story and um gonna cover them in some other blog. But no matter what you will enjoy your time at the island.
Just a Regular Afternoon at The Island
Coconut beach or also known as Narikel jinjira is where you will found a lot of coconut tree. Their crisp sound will soothe your soul. One more thing don’t forget to try green coconut while you’re at it. you will find more than enough juice to fill yourself up in a single container.
Limited Edition Crab?? 
You can try different types of crab there if its your thing. And also try the fish BBQ which is by the way amazing but again do your sheer amount of bargaining before placing orders. One thing is for sure. You will never run out of options to opt out for different types of fish each time. You can also camp there as the beach is very safe and will be a wonderful experience.

When You Wake Up-to this, Life Seems like So Beautiful
You can just walk around the beach and will never get bored of. There is one place at the middle of the island from where you can see both side of the beach at the same time. That particular area is known as Golachipa. 
St. Martin Island
While you’re at the island, try to cover as much as possible. Or you will regret it not doing so. The people are so friendly and helping, it will make you feel more like home. Every part of the island will feel like pieces of puzzle fitting into a giant storyboard. And there are so many stuff to do which make me feel like going there again and again.

Sometime Caption Fails interpret the Beauty
Thank you if you have made it this far. If you want to know more about the commutes, and how to’s then feel free to comment below. I will be more than happy to cover them.
A Bicycle Ride Across the Beach is Worth More Than Anything

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sajek - A Playground of Mountains & Clouds

You  know it takes courage and determination to travel, to go up, and to go beyond. It might be a hobby or it might be a profession to move around. But what really matters is to enjoy it the fullest. So this is my first travel blog so far. Thank you already for reading this far. But the main adventure is about to begin. Lets take a ride to the paradise with thrilling journey across the adventurous track that will leave you speechless. Yes everyone its sajek I am displaying right now, situated in Rangamati district of Bangladesh. Although reaching there is not an easy task to complete. Again what's the fun in easy.
Road to Sajek
First of all you have to pick up a group of people that you love to travel with. It’s a long journey and you need the people you are comfortable with. Or it might be the partner that you are looking forward to spend your life with. At first there are certain things you need to know. Though there are a number of hotels and motels in sajek, you can always book in advance to ensure there would be no hassle. Take a extra pack of battery or power banks along with you as there is no electricity. Whole area run on generators. Take some medicine as first aid. Some polly pack in case you have wet clothes so that you can pack them on the way back Not all the network provider is available. Only Robi & Airtel will work. and in some particular area Teletalk could be available. And try to keep your luggage small.
Meghpunji Cottage

Let the journey begins, first you have to purchase a bus ticket from Dhaka to khagrachari district and the journey will be of 6-7hours. The fare for bus tickets are ranged 500tk-550tk non-ac. Now you people might be wondering I mentioned earlier that sajek is situated in Rangamati. But there are no route to sajek from Rangamati except through the water way. After reaching khagrachari you need to reserve a chander gari which will take you to sajek. The cost will be 7500-10000tk depending on your negotiation skill. But don’t forget to negotiate at any cost. One chander gari can carry up-to 12people. So it will be better and less expensive if you are a travel group of 8-10 people. Or there are small vehicles such as CNG which I wont recommend. It’s a 2.5hours of majestic journey to sajek from khagrachari. As the area is guarded by the Bangladesh Army for security of the tourists. You have to go with the army escorts. There are two army escorts each day. One is at 10.30am and the other one is at 4.00pm. So keep this in mind that you will not be able to enter into sajek without the escorts. Try not to miss the escorts. 
View from Meghpunji Cottage

Upon arrival, check in to the cottage or resorts you booked. Meghmachang, meghpunji, Rock paradise are some of the best cottage in sajek, also priced at a decent rate. Per night would be around 2500-3500tk. But if you looking for a cheaper deal then there are plenty of other places to stay. Again believe me, going there and not staying in those mentioned cottage would be huge miss. The view and accommodation is so majestic that you will be thanking me later. So don’t hesitate if its costs you a 500 extra. 

Rock Paradise, Konglak Para

The clouds and the sun rise is best part of sajek so wake up early and make no mistake to endure the fullest. This is where your search for the peace could be accomplished. One can enjoy the clouds from the balcony or you can go straight up to the `konglak para` the highest peak of the sajek. Chander gari will take you there, and then a 10 minutes of hike will take you to the top. The mesmarizig view can only be experienced not expressed. 
View from the Megh Machang Ressort

Coming back from the peak. Complete your breakfast. Point to be noted, none of the restaurants in sajek pre-cooks any of the item. You have to order in advance and only then they will prepare the foods. Roaming around a little bit, there is a helipad which will give you 360` view of the heavenly atmosphere and you can also enjoy the sun set from there. Rock sajek is the recreational park situated beside the helipad.
View from Helipad

Looking for the traditional foods, you will found bamboo chicken which is so satisfying and incredibly delicious to eat, also joom vat, Jhal Chicken, BBQ etc. and most of the others food are regular items but also very delicious.

who wouldnt give anything for a meal with this view

On the way back don’t forget to roam around khagrachari as there are both mysterious and peaceful places to go. Which I will write about in my next blog. So, stay tuned.

For your help contact numbers are given below. Or you can just google it.
As this is my very first writing, provide me with your valuable feedback and help me point out the flaws. Thank you.

Contact Details;
Meghpunji : 01815761065 (Josim)
Chander Gari : 01881390021 (Hossain)